Monday, January 10, 2011

A Dream is a Wish

In Mexico there is a new year's tradition in which each person eats twelve grapes at midnight and with each grape makes a wish.  This year I didn't make all of my wishes. Aside from three or four vague ideas and concepts I just didn't have anything to ask for.

There are superstitions that say that if you say a wish out loud it won't come true.  I disagree.  Perhaps it's more that if you DO say it out loud, you really believe that it can happen and you hold true to pursuing it then it really can come to fruition.

January 2011 has been cold and seemingly dark.  Winter always feels dark and having a full time job makes it more so--the most sun I see is on my drive to work as it is just bursting through the trees on Grizzly Peak over the tunnel, if it isn't cloudy or foggy.  As I drive home it's usually already dark or at the very least the sun has gone down and I can catch the residuals of daylight and another cold dusk.   January has this effect on me.  It creates this feeling of quiet loneliness, of cold, of a need to barricade myself inside myself.

This year, with the continued economic recession and with my reality being where it is I made a few wishes for myself and for others centered around ideas of financial stability, emotional security, renewed hope and passions towards creativity and for the continued essence of love in everything we do.   So much of the world is bleak because we forget to hold on to a positive desired outcome.

Positive thought creates positive action.  
Positive expectations garner positive results.  
Positive goals foster a positive soul.  

It's my intention for 2011 that I can continually remind myself of this and keep myself in a frame of mind that is conducive to creating the change that I wish to see this coming year.  It is my hope for all beings that positive energy can lift the cold and dark that seems to be sitting upon the world in this long, long winter.  And, it is my hope for you that you achieve and receive all that you set your intentions on for this year.

1 comment:

esteƒanía said...

i didnt make any wishes.. i thought about it, but then i let it die.